Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Break Planning

One week until UCT’s 10 day “vacation,” or as we call it Spring Break! We are in the midst of planning our wonderful trip. So far, we have booked round trip tickets from Cape Town into Johannesburg departing on Thursday, April 2nd and arriving back in Cape Town on Monday, April 13th. I am going with 8 other students, some from my house, some from Wisconsin, and some that I have met here. Once in Jo’Burg, we are planning on renting two 4 x 4 vehicles and driving from Johannesburg, through Botswana, to the Ocavango Delta, then Chobe National Park, then Victoria Falls. I can't believe I get to see one of the seven wonders of the world! I am EXTREMELY excited for this trip. It will definitely be an adventure.

Completely, absolutely unrelated short story: Earlier this week I was on a train going to the beach, when a quite unusual incident occurred. A smiling old man boarded the train with a walking stick and dark glasses. He found his way to a seat, got out his donations box, and started playing the guitar and singing. He actually had a pretty good voice, but it was his rendition of Amazing Grace that left me with a real memory. Just imagine… sitting on a train, listening to a very happy, blind old man sing in a South African accent“…was blind, but now I see!”


  1. It is Autumn Break, not Spring Break.

  2. You would tell that story, Marina. I'm EXTREMELY jealous of your trip! A lot more exciting than my spring break. I need to write you a message on FB - expect one this weekend.


